Whether you are buying or selling a home or a business property, having qualified legal representation is critical. When your business is buying or selling real estate, working with your lending institution to structure the appropriate financing and insuring that the deal is the right fit for your business are important steps. We have been representing businesses in the purchase and sale of real estate, as well as in refinancing existing debt, for over thirty years. We have dealt with all kinds of properties, from small professional buildings to large manufacturing sites. We will review and negotiate contracts and loan packages, research zoning requirements and environmental concerns, and give you the advice that will allow you to make informed decisions. When you are satisfied, we will see the transaction through to a closing. If you are selling your home or buying a new one, our team will see to it that your interests are represented through every step of the process.
We do not represent banks or lending institutions. Our purpose is to represent you and you alone. We will make sure that you are protected and that you understand every aspect of the transaction, from the offer to purchase to the loan transaction and, ultimately, the closing itself.
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For an initial consultation, please call (508) 798-8801 or click the button to view our request form.