If you are a landowner interested in finding a way to protect your land in perpetuity from the forces of development, we can help you explore the options that may be available to you. Your land may be important as wildlife habitat, as a working farm or wood lot, because of hiking trails that pass through it, or for its scenic value: whatever its significance, we can help you find the best approach to accomplish your objectives. We can advise you with respect to a sale, a gift, or a bargain sale of all or part of the land itself, or of a conservation restriction on all or part of the land, and we can integrate these approaches into your financial and estate planning and advise you as to income tax and estate tax implications. Because we have extensive experience in negotiating and implementing land conservation transactions of all kinds, we can provide you with capable representation from the initial planning of the conservation of your land right through to the closing.
We also represent conservation land trusts, both as general counsel and in carrying out land conservation transactions, simple and complex. We can advise your land trust on issues relating to its federal income tax exemption or its structure and status under Massachusetts law as a charitable corporation or trust, and can also give you specific guidance as to designing and carrying out land conservation transactions. We have helped establish several local land trusts, and sometimes provide legal services to land trusts on a reduced fee basis.
Schedule your consultation today
For an initial consultation, please call (508) 798-8801 or click the button to view our request form.